Tried & Trusted

Tried & Trusted

Let’s talk about…


Pinterest is a dangerous place. It’s full of neat craft ideas, delicious looking food… And when you’re on there, you can’t help but pin ALL OF IT. But how much of what you’ve pinned have you actually tried? In my case, just a fraction of what I’ve found on there, but I like to keep dinner interesting, so I’ve been incorporating more and more of these “pinned” recipes into my dinner (and overall diet) repertoire.

I am a very visual person too, so Pinterest has made discovering new recipes fun for me. Instead of buying a cookbook where half the recipes have no photos and will thus never be attempted, I can click and pin photos of delectable looking dinners & treats and try them out later. I actually have separate pin boards for each meal (breakfast, main courses, sides and snacks, desserts and snacks) and when I am planning my weekly menu, I re-pin my own pins to a “Weekly Menu” board that I can reference to make my grocery list and throughout the week to pick out a dinner.

pinboardTell me this doesn’t inspire you better than text!

The results of my pinning-and-cooking endeavors have been pretty impressive! I don’t think I’ve tried a recipe yet that I didn’t enjoy. So, I’ve decided to introduce this new feature, “Tried & Trusted”, in which I will tell you which Pinterest recipe pins are worth it and which aren’t (if I find one). Look for my seal of approval (or the big red FAIL), and look for the pizza and apple icons to tell you whether it’s healthy or indulgent. 🙂

Here’s a small collection to get you started. The links go to the pins on Pinterest so you can pin them to your own Pinterest boards (or if you prefer, the click the photos from Pinterest to reach the associated websites and bookmark them for later)! These recipes are all:


Where I can, I’ll also include photos if I’ve taken one. I’m trying not to re-post anyone’s copyrighted material on this site without their permission (the pinboard photo being an exception :))

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