Good Night? Good Luck!


Everyone knows the value of a good night’s sleep. Now whether we are all able to achieve this elusive “sleep” is another story.

I believe I  must have recently become a light sleeper, because everything under the moon seems to be working in cahoots to keep me awake at night. I can no longer consume caffeine past noon if I expect to drift off to dreamland at a reasonable hour, amongst many other problems including:

  • Being too cold
  • Being too hot
  • Blankets aren’t heavy enough
  • Pillow is uncomfortable
  • There is too much light in the room
  • Radio is too loud
  • Not enough white noise
  • Sensitivity to sounds (creaks in the ceiling, my husband’s breathing, dogs walking around on the tile floor…)

What is wrong with me?! I can fall asleep in the car at the drop of a hat, or while watching a loud movie, but put me in bed, at bedtime, after a long exhausting day, and I’m either laying half awake for three hours or waking up promptly at 1am as though I have enjoyed a restful eight hours and it’s time to get on with my day.

I’ve made some changes – the caffeine thing, drinking sleepy time tea, reading in bed until I my eyes droop… I even bought a new mattress (the old one was going on 9-years-old) and some delectable 750-thread-count sheets (which so far serve only to slide all my blankets off of me onto the floor in the middle of the night – contributing to problem numero uno above).

If you’ve got tips that help you feel dead-to-the-world at bedtime, please share in the comments. In the meantime, I am hoping getting back to working out and being at work will exhaust me enough to guarantee at LEAST six uninterrupted hours of slumber.

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