Category Archives: Motivation

Try Kosama for $29!

If you’ve been following along on my blog, I talk about the gym I go to, Kosama, quite a bit. With varied workouts for strength, endurance and flexibility, it’s by far my favorite gym of all the gyms I’ve attended and I have a hard time picturing myself going back to a regular gym and… Continue Reading

When You’re Falling Off The Wagon…Believe In Yourself

When you’ve missed a day at the gym, and then another day, and another, or when you ate something too indulgent for lunch, and then again at dinner, you are letting yourself believe that one slip-up ruins the whole day, or the whole week, and so why-not-just-keep-skipping-the-gym or -keep-eating-these-girl-scout-cookies. You are wrong. The biggest mistake… Continue Reading

THIS Fit Girl Rocks!

In case you hadn’t heard, I rock. Pretty damn hard in fact. In the past 4 weeks I worked out for a total of 18 hours, burned 8,579 calories (approximately, since my heart rate monitor didn’t work for at least half of the half marathon we ran 🙁 ) and I went down 2.38% in Body… Continue Reading

What Motivates You?

Today I will be on day five of five (official) days at Kosama, completing the first week of the 8-week Teammate Challenge that Z and I signed up for. Monday and Tuesday were rough and I was exhausted and drenched in sweat. I also hadn’t quite tweaked my pre-workout nutrition and I was feeling a… Continue Reading


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