About Me

This Fit Girl, is someone who knows how to be fit and healthy, but has a hard time practicing what she preaches.

fitgirl Most of my adult life has been an on-again-off-again destructive relationship with food. I have successfully tried different diets over the years (Slim Fast, Weight Watchers, even working with a nutritionist), but I have a hard time sticking to them, and I get discouraged easily.

Two weeks eating really healthy and no change on the scale? Blasphemy! Let’s go order a pizza so I can drown my sorrows in Parmesan.

My weight has always yo-yo-ed a bit, but it always hovered around the same 145-155 pounds. Overweight, but not unmanageable, and the fitness goals weren’t so far out of reach. That’s not the case anymore.

2012 was the roughest year of all, as I started working with my awesome nutritionist, Katie Pena, owner of my local Max Muscle store, with awesome results. In the three months we worked together I stuck to my nutrition plan, learned the appropriate portion sizes and how to balance my carb and protein needs, and worked out at least three times per week. I had a splurge meal at a restaurant here and there to keep my cravings happy, and at the end of our time together I had gone from  almost 33% body fat to 25%. I felt FANTASTIC. And then I got l-a-z-y.

The stress of being the only IT professional at a manufacturing plant with 150 employees exhausts me, especially when our network or servers go down. I became the queen of excuses. I also gained 20 pounds in eight months.

This picture of me and my husband was taken in 2010 at the Resolution Run in Phoenix. I like this picture because it is a picture of my motivation, determination, and dedication to being healthy. I was in pretty great shape that year. I don’t look like that now.

But pretty soon I will. 🙂

Lately my diet is about 80/20 paleo and I am a HUGE fan of the Whole30 both as an elimination diet (discovered that I should NOT eat corn and gluten-based products unless I want to be bloated for days on end).



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